Wednesday, January 4, 2012

I admit...

I haven't eaten everywhere in the city, and I bet few people have. I cannot afford it. Yet. I can't even pay for dinner at the restaurant where my boyfriend works. But, I do find some awesome little places where the food is prepared honestly and inexpensively. There a a few locations that I simply just adore, Snack Planet in Chinatown instantly comes to mind, as do a few other locations in that area that I just can't get enough of. The clams in black bean sauce from Emperors Choice are lovely, and I am yet to dine at Lao Human, where their sign and interior both proclaim that they are 'serving people'. If I could eat in Chinatown once a week, I would be a satisfied woman. I have tried recreating those wonderful little clams, but I swear it's flavor must come from a pan that has been used so many times, much like trying to recapture food my Grandmother made. I have the ingredients, but it's that historical pan that I am lacking. Anyway, getting back on some sort of track, hopefully someday I'll blow some illusive and large paycheck on dinner, but I am not holding my breath. These little places where I go suit me just fine...for now.

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